In the Spring each year I excitedly wait for the local hardware store to stock their outdoor lawn with all kinds of species of flowering plants, and greenery. One of my favorites is the fern. Its green lushness is gorgeous even the birds are excited for me to hang them on the porch. The first couple months they seem to thrive, such little work for an amazing display of green. Just water, provide some feed, and a little sunshine is all it takes for a grand display.
However, like all things in life the aging process starts to show. The birds always find a way to sneak in and build their nest even with Mr. Fake Owl sitting on the porch. I love to watch the whole process. Green eggs, then little translucent blobs that soon turn into fuzzy blobs with a little shape.
Within a couple weeks those little blobs have turned into an identifiable feathery bird. My poor fern has reaped the consequences. Its beauty has started to fade. Some of the leaves are turning brown, there is a hole carved in the middle with bird droppings everywhere. What was a grand display of green has turned into a plant that’s in need of help, some love, and nurturing in hopes that I can help it recover.
In our Christian walk we are much the same way. We start strong, then life's storms hit, we allow the nest of bitterness, our feathers get ruffled, we get battered and suffer damage. We stand in need of help. However, we have a perfect gardener [Jesus] who comes to our rescue. He loves us! He provides living water, the living word for food, and light that expels all darkness! I'm thankful I know this man!