Hey! So Glad You're Here.
Yep that's me looking at you. Those lines around my eyes, referred to as"crows feet", my frown line which I refer to as my number 11-- are character lines I have earned along the journey of life. That smile is genuine. I live in what I consider to be one of the greatest places in NC, which is Todd. I have two beautiful girls which are two of my successes in life, given to me as a gift from the heavenly father, God, and my husband of thirty plus years.
I'm glad you landed on my page. As you scroll through my blog you will see that I'm a diverse person, maybe a little indecisive, spur of the moment person. Nevertheless, it's me.
I'm an entrepreneur. All my life I have dreamed big. You see you have to try in order to be a sucess or failure at something. Being a business owner means there will be many successes and many failures. You just keep moving forward. Learn from your mistakes, adapt to change, learn daily, don't be afraid to ask for help, read as much as you can, and trust the Lord with all your heart. Put God first and ask him to take the reins and go for it.