Are you searching for peace? Less stress?

Are you searching? I am a searcher. I'm constantly searching my thoughts for what's next. If you know me, you know this is so true.
Sometimes it's stressful. Lol
Our daily lives can be filled with many mindful thoughts. Thoughts of prosperity, love, anguish, exhaustion, and a desire for peace in our heart. Such a mixed genre of thoughts. I desire peace. Peace comes from within; to obtain peace, we must learn to meditate on good things. Mindful thoughts!
Let's dive into mindful thoughts. Do you agree that our thoughts can be all over the place? From the minute we wake up in the morning, our brain goes into gear and those thoughts come one after another, over and over all day. It's amazing how quickly good thoughts can turn to bad thoughts. However, our bad thoughts should transform more quickly to good thoughts.
Imagine this situation: when we wake up, we have a choice between feeling hesitant about the day and hitting the snooze button or feeling thankful for a new day. Our thinking instantly starts the moment we open our eyes-- realistically before we open our eyes. The real question is: how can we turn our thoughts into mindful ones? It's clear that we all should desire peace, joy, love, and success. So, how can we make these aspirations a part of our daily existence?
It requires mindfulness and dedication.
It requires us to reset our thinking and purposely setting our thoughts on things that lift us.
Each of us holds unique dreams and goals. My personal aspiration has consistently revolved around expanding my intellectual and spiritual horizons. I find great joy in the company of individuals who surpass me in intelligence. The word (scripture) reminds us that we are perpetual learners, always seeking the truth. For me, this implies a continuous pursuit of knowledge. While I may never attain complete understanding, I can strive to broaden my knowledge, leading to increased fulfillment and happiness in my life. Knowledge serves as the gateway to tranquility, a seemingly simple yet profoundly true concept which brings inward peace.
The seventy seventh psalm attributed to Asaph is a psalm that speaks of grief, suffering and his experiences of painful life circumstances. Yet, this psalm is a reminder that God is faithful.
During times of suffering, grief, or painful situations that cause us sadness and distress, it is beneficial to remember there is hope! This hope comes through knowledge of God's word. Everything that we need in life we can find in the word of God.
We communicate with God through prayer using our voices, as He listens attentively a change begins to take place. When we face difficult times, (and we do) we can share our burdens with Him, knowing that He hears us. There are moments when stress or troubles keep us awake, despite our best efforts to find rest. This happens to everyone at some point. Don't fret, meditate on good.
In those challenging moments when life feels overwhelming, it is crucial to remind ourselves of the comforting truth that peace is always available to us. This peace is not just any peace but a divine peace that surpasses all understanding. When we feel burdened by the weight of our struggles, it is reassuring to know that there is a source of solace and strength waiting for us. God's yoke being easy, and his burden light speaks to the gentle and compassionate nature of the support offered to us. It is a reminder that we do not have to face our challenges alone. Embracing this truth can bring a profound sense of joy and relief, knowing that we are not abandoned in our difficulties. So, in those moments of doubt and hardship, let us hold on to the promise of peace and find comfort in the knowledge that we are carried by a force greater than ourselves.
Peace, less stress, and contentment in the trials of life comes through his wonderous work in my heart.
" Psalm 77:14 Thou art the God that doest wonders: thou hast declared thy strength among the people."