Yesterday, I went over to check on some land that is being among all the debris, and dirt I came across a little patch of weeds with a few beautiful flowers mixed in. What really caught my eye was the thorn that was mixed in with them. You have to look closely at the photo to see that thorn sitting right in among the display of beauty.

That thorn caught my eye because sometimes that's how life is- everything can seem perfect then appears a thorn. The thorn didn't stop the weeds from growing or flowers from blooming. Nature can teach us the greatest lessons ever taught. We are planted here on this earth and there will be thorns in life. We just have to grow and bloom wherever we are planted.
When I chose to have a grateful, thankful heart to God "for his many blessings in my life" the thorns seem to not have any effect. Praise and thankfulness of heart ushers his presence "holy spirit" into my thorn situations.
As a Christian I have to make a choice upon waking each day to be thankful. I have so much to be thankful for in life. Even during the "storms" or should I say "thorny situations" of life, I must make a decision to focus on God's goodness and faithfulness. I would say this has been a "stormy" year, nevertheless; I'm thankful.
The weeds and flowers used the thorn as a prop. I'm very grateful I have a prop also! His name is---- Jesus Christ!
1 Corinthians 15:57 "But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."