We have celebrated two milestones this month in our household. My daughter hit the mile marker thirty and my grandson turned one. What fun! This year has been one of the quickest and weirdest that I can recall in my lifetime. COVID has placed a pause on many aspects of life. We couldn't have a big party for either; nevertheless, we partied. Small in number--supersized heart!
It seems like yesterday that my grandson was born. I'm so thankful that we could visit Henry at the hospital and celebrate his birth when he was born. Things are different since COVID. I'm even more thankful that we could celebrate his first birthday in person! Part of his life I've had to be a virtual mamaw; however, recently I have been able to enjoy periodic visits.
Now back to my 30-year-old...my youngest. Let's just say that was the fastest thirty years ever! I feel like she just graduated high school. Where does time go?
The word teaches me that children are a gift from God. I'm so thankful that he gifted me with two! All the wonderful experiences which included a plethora of sporting events through the years. We sat on the bleachers through ice, snow, wind, and rain to watch our children take part in cheerleading, band (with both) , my youngest being drum major, steel drum band, and color guard. We traveled to many bowl games--out of state. I wouldn't trade one minute. God's gracious gift of my children have been and continue to be a blessing to me daily!
Then came my grandson born in November. Henry is the cherry on top! I've been blessed!
We all have one special day (birthday) each year that we can celebrate as our day of birth. Regardless, if we like the number our day brings we should celebrate. Older isn't bad!
Birthdays are important! As a Christian I have two....what? The word teaches me I must experience two births in this life. One to enter into this world, a second to enter into heaven. That's pretty awesome if you think about it...we can celebrate two birthdays each year while here on this earth!
1 John 3:5 " Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God."
Our water birth is from our mother---our spiritual birth is through Jesus Christ!
Let's celebrate! Time to party!
Below is a song Brittney's elementary best friend would sing on birthdays. It always brings a smile to my face :)
Song: Happy happy birthday. We always sing to you. We wish you happy birthday, so we can party too. Happy happy birthday. We are glad your mom can bake. We wish you happy birthday...so we can eat your cake.
Take time and enjoy all the joys that life offers. Eat the cake!
Psalm 127:3 "Behold, children are a heritage and gift from the Lord,
The fruit of the womb a reward."